How Does Using A Mac Benefit Writers?


Are you a blogger? Author? Creative writer? Any type of content creator? You will require a laptop or computer to get things done.

When it comes to writing, the first name that pops to mind is MS Word. This is one of the reasons why people have used Windows for so long. However, the times are changing, and Mac is giving tough competition to Windows for personal and business use.

Here are some reasons that make Mac ideal for writers. First, you can get more work done in less time. Let’s go.

Trackpad gestures for easy navigation

Navigating across Mac is made simple with easy trackpad gestures. These gestures are fully customizable by going to System Preferences > Trackpad.

You can double-tap with two fingers to zoom in and out of a PDF or web page, slide two fingers up and down to scroll a document, move two fingers around each other to rotate a document or photo, swipe left or right with two fingers to swipe between pages, etc. You will learn about multi-touch gestures when you choose the Trackpad option under System Preferences.

Mastering these gestures will help save time when you are researching or going through your written document to make changes.

Dictate, don’t write

Being a writer means you have to type and exhaust your fingers constantly. If you have a long document to finish, but your fingers need rest, you can use voice dictation for Mac and use your voice to write.

The dictation software is an in-built macOS tool that uses speech recognition technology to convert spoken words into text.

Thanks to the accuracy and speed of this software, it is widely used for writing lengthy text and note-taking, and you can even use it to chat in messenger. For example, you can write about 150 words per minute using dictation software!

Great battery life

If you use a Mac laptop, the battery will last up to 12 hours. So there’s no need to fight over an outlet in public to charge your laptop.

Therefore, you do not have to ration your laptop’s battery.

Fantastic portability

Macs are the most portable laptops on the marketplace. This is why Macs are great for freelancers working remotely or traveling. Since some writers find it best to work in different places to fight writer’s block, Macs are the ideal option for them. You can take the laptop with you and sit at a local coffee shop or the park.

Also, Macs are lightweight, and that’s why it is easy to carry them anywhere.

Specialized tools for Macs

Feature-rich writing tools make Macs extraordinarily useful for writers. Some of the tools you must check out are:

  1. OmniOutliner – This is an outlining tool that outlines everything from non-fiction to fiction tomes. The core strength of this app is expanding ideas. You can use this tool to jot down your thoughts and then arrange and massage them to get a complete project.
  2. Ulysses – Ulysses is a simple text editor with much power. The app is as much a basic word processor as a writing environment. Whatever you write is treated as one document, and it will be divided into chapters and books. When you open the app, you can instantly access everything you write.
  3. iA Writer – iA Writer lets you focus on what you are writing. You can fade out the rest of the content and only highlight the sentence you are working on. The tool can even highlight verbs, adjectives, and so on. The app is built around Markdown, which means that styles and formatting are done with text commands in the text.

The Stage Manager feature

The Stage Manager introduced in macOS Ventura lets you organize the apps you are working on. Therefore, you can have several apps and documents open. The ones you are working on will be placed in the center, so there’s no confusion.

Universal Control

Once you are part of the Apple ecosystem, you can quickly sync your work and continue it on any Apple device. Therefore, if you start writing on your Mac and, for some reason, the battery is dying, or you don’t wish to carry your Mac where you are going, you can continue working on your iPad. You can continue where you left off.

The Focus feature

The Focus feature is another macOS special that lets you create different Focus modes to concentrate better. For example, you can create a mode for writing so that there are no distractions while trying to finish a book or blog.

The Bottom Line

These are some reasons that make Mac the best option for writers. Whether you are a freelancer, novelist, or other type of content creator. Thanks to macOS’s features and regular updates, you will have the best time writing on this device.

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